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 Coalition of Ordered Governments

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Super Derp
Super Derp

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PostSubject: Coalition of Ordered Governments   Coalition of Ordered Governments I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 12:29 am

The Coalition of Ordered Governments

Let it be known that this coalition has been established, upon the principles entitled in the Octus Canon, in which we are to place our nation's devout following to. As a member, you are obligated to further the Coalition's stance in the known world, advance for the benefit of your people and the Coalition's people, and provide security to the establishment of the Coalition and it's Cause. Members must take the Oath of the Coalition and make themselves aware of the Octus Canon, that the Allfathers are the leaders of member nations, and it's respective amendments. Finally, nations have a large responsibility to create these ideals to better all nations of the Coalition and further it's goals.

  • Socialist States of Stalingrad
  • United American Republic

Oath of the Coalition

"I shall remain vigilant and unyielding in my pursuit of the enemies of the Coalition. I will defend and maintain the order of life as it was proclaimed by the Allfathers of the Coalition in the Octus Canon. I will forsake the life I had before so I may perform my duty as long as I am needed. Steadfast. I shall hold my place in the machine and acknowledge my place in the Coalition. I am a gear for the allowance of our ideals."

The Octus Canon

"I am responsible for myself and my actions; I shall conduct myself honorably, and live a clean and frugal life. I have responsibilities to my fellow citizens. I shall be loyal to them, and humble, because we are elements of a greater whole, and without them I am nothing, I have responsibilities to our society; I shall understand and respect my place in it, defend it, and work to make it prosperous, so that I may receive society's protection, and that we may hand on safety and prosperity to future generations."

Resolutions/Amendments to the Octus Canon

Repealed Amendments

Last edited by Ruski on Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Coalition of Ordered Governments   Coalition of Ordered Governments I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 1:00 pm

The UAR wishes to join
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Super Derp
Super Derp

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PostSubject: Re: Coalition of Ordered Governments   Coalition of Ordered Governments I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 1:02 pm

The UAR wishes to join

You're added.
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PostSubject: Re: Coalition of Ordered Governments   Coalition of Ordered Governments I_icon_minitime

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