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 U.A.R Vs. The Confederacy(NEA66)

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U.A.R Vs. The Confederacy(NEA66) Empty
PostSubject: U.A.R Vs. The Confederacy(NEA66)   U.A.R Vs. The Confederacy(NEA66) I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 3:25 am

U.A.R 1st Marine Intervention Force:
Heavy tank x3
Ifv x2
Assault Infantry x4
Militia Infantry x2
Medic x1
Attack Helicopter x1
Artillery x3(two rocket one gun)
Mobile anti air x2

Special Warfare Unit A:(Sir Major Asshole)
Black watch commandos x2
Little bird x2


Confederate 7th Garrison:
Assault Infantry x3
Militia Infantry x10
Medics x4
Mobile AA x4
Armored Artillery(Gun) x6

Confederate 13th Air Cavalry:
Fighters x2
Strike Fighters x2
Attack Helicopters x4


Your 1st Marine Intervention Force arrives in the north of the region near the river. Special Warfare Unit A arrives east of your IF, your forces are ready for combat.

The Confederate 13th Air Cavalry is moving to your position but it seems the Fighters and Strike Fighters will arrive first. The Confederate 7th Garrison is moving out of Louisville with all hast and they are recruiting militia along the way.

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Posts : 56
Join date : 2011-06-15
Age : 29
Location : Ohio

U.A.R Vs. The Confederacy(NEA66) Empty
PostSubject: Re: U.A.R Vs. The Confederacy(NEA66)   U.A.R Vs. The Confederacy(NEA66) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 3:05 am

x 5 fighters are sent from na58 on a intercept course to take out enemy air

all other units hold position so the mobile aa can keep it protected why the artillery starts to chip away at the enemy as they move.

((You didn't add my CAS group from the pm man!))
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