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  Production Rules

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Posts : 327
Join date : 2011-06-14

 Production Rules Empty
PostSubject: Production Rules    Production Rules I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 7:56 pm

Production Rules

All things you produce require production points to complete. Each territory under your control generates one production point. You can assign the production points to any combination of projects (units, research, tech, ect.) that you want. You can produce few things quickly, or many things slowly, whatever you like.

Also, you can’t combine points such that you are instantly completing projects; you have to wait at least some time for everything, usually if you have enough to complete it "instantly", you can have it done in a time of 1 day.

When a project is finished, any leftover points that were being spent on it are carried over to the next project (either currently worked on, or new one started), unless there is none, in which case they are considered unused production points.

Points can be stockpiled over time if the player wishes to do so. However, if you wish to do this, you must pay a fee of 10% of your production points so this system does not become exploited. These points can be raided by other players and can be stolen. Both stockpiling and stealing require sending PM's to me.

Unwanted buildings can be recycled for 1/3 of their original cost.

Cost/PP = Days

There are ways to increase you production points beyond what you could have with territories alone. Some technology and infrastructure applies production point bonuses when they are operational. Having a strong Economy also increases production points.

Economy’s effect on production: For every 3 economy points beyond baseline (2), total production points increase by 1.
Production gains from econ are in whole numbers.

PP = # of Territories (Econ - 2) + Happiness Modifier(-2 to +2)

For trade, you must now have ships or caravan's. These are to transport goods and what ever else you are to your trade partners.

You can establish colonies on distant lands, but these have requirements:

The land must be a fair distance from your empire, preferably across a large swath of land or ocean.

The colony must also be touching the ocean at some point.

You can establish only one colony per continent and they give a 4PP boost. You also need a trade center in both regions to get the PP boost. If you don't, you only get 1PP.
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