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  General Rules, Information, and Game Concepts

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Join date : 2011-06-14

 General Rules, Information, and Game Concepts Empty
PostSubject: General Rules, Information, and Game Concepts    General Rules, Information, and Game Concepts I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 7:52 pm

General Rules & Information

All actions are to be sent via private message (PM) to the Game Master, which is me.

Events may occur at any time, to any faction. Below are listed the types that occur:

Natural disasters: Natural disasters encompass a wide range from earthquakes to sandstorms to tornadoes, we’ve got them all. They can be disastrous for you if they hit you critically enough.

Riots: Low population happiness causes a chance for a riot. If your happiness goes below a certain point, I will roll for a riot every half day. Too many riots and your nation may fall into rebellion. Riots may destroy infrastructure and change the political nature of the region.

Potential Character: Occasionally, a new character may appear and offer his/her services to a player nation. Sometimes this opportunity will come with a cost.

This concludes the events.

Starting Stat Points: The different stats affect different starting settings. Military affects starting army morale and army strength. Economy affects starting economy points and some starting buildings. Culture affects starting population happiness and some starting buildings.

Economy Points: Low economy points hurts population happiness and production. High economy points boost population happiness and production.

Population Happiness: This is how happy your people are. High population happiness can lead to higher army morale or increased productivity (leading to possible shorter build times!). Low population happiness can lead to laziness (which increases build times) or even cause a rebellion.

Army Morale: This is how happy and motivated your troops are. Having a high army morale can lead to positive modifiers in combat. Low morale can lead to negative modifiers, or even rebellion. An Army rebellion can often be very dangerous as some of your very own troops will rebel.

Research: To research technology, just PM me what technology you want, and if you have the prerequisites, I will tell you how long it will take until it is completed. If you want to research something that is not on the technology list (such as something you thought up), describe it and its effect. If I deem it reasonable, I will allow it. Don’t forget to list technology, what it does, and what it is applied to in your nation thread.
*Note: I am currently still thinking over whether or not to include a tech tree

Constructing Infrastructure: To construct infrastructure, just PM me what infrastructure you want, and if you have the prerequisites, I will tell you how long it will take until it is completed. Don’t forget to list infrastructure and its bonuses/effects in your nation thread.

Producing Military: To produce military units or soldiers, just PM me what military you want, and if you have the prerequisites, I will tell you how long it will take until it is completed. Don’t forget to list your military in your nation thread. It is up to you to edit this accurately, and not make up false numbers.

Reconnaissance: Before any invasion, movement, or military engagement, it would be wise to do reconnaissance. Reconnaissance will give you intelligence on the enemy, listing estimates on their positions, regiments and their numbers. Reconnaissance is not fail-proof; sometimes you will receive false or partial reports of enemy position and strength. Your enemies may even deliberately give you false info, so beware.

Invasions: When you want to invade another faction or independent colony, you PM a moderator or admin your action for doing this. Wait patiently, while the moderator sets up your battle (if there is one).
When you PM me your actions, remember to make sure you include everything you want. For instance, if you are invading a planet, be sure to name the regiments and list the amounts of troops in them, and if you want a character to accompany them, then you must make that clear.
When you want to invade a planet, you PM me the number of the territory and where it is, example: "Invade Eastern Europe 10" Also, you must tell me in the PM, with which regiments you are attacking with.
Example: “Invade Eastern Europe with the following:
1st Calvary Regiment
5x Heavy Cuirassiers
10x Lighthorse Lancers

23rd Infantry Regiment
20x Line infantry

Battles: Commanding your troops is as simple as posting what you want them to do, anything from “the entire army advances while firing,” to giving commands to each individual regiment is fine, just be sure to be clear (I might ask for clarification), or my confusion might be transferred to your officers.

In a battle, be as specific as you like. You receive positive modifiers on your actions by using effective tactics, or having contingency plans. For strategies lacking in depth or ill thought out ones, you can receive penalties.

In player vs player combat, the players will send in their actions to me via PM (NOT POSTING IN THE THREAD), so they don’t know what the other is doing, I then act it out, and you both PM your second actions and so on, until someone wins or withdraws.

Casualties: When you lose soldiers in a war, be sure to subtract the numbers from your total. It’s organized so you know how many troops you lost out of which regiments, so please be honest. I’ll be checking your threads every so often to double-check. Failure to properly report army strength may result in disciplinary action (negative in-game events or restriction of activity/termination from game).

Prisoners and Occupation: After a battle, the enemy that surrendered to you are yours to do what you want with. You can execute them, sell them back, release them, let them garrison the province you took from them under your name, conduct scientific analysis on them or integrate them into your army. Allowing captured people to use weapons sometimes can lead to rebellions or low morale. Occupied populations may sometimes have low happiness (which might lower your population happiness).

Military Bookkeeping: You must keep a list of the strength of all your armies and units in your nation thread at all times; no hiding secret armies. You must list the location of those armies in public, but I still need to know where they are.

Military Supplies: There are supply lines in this game. The further an army is away from a friendly port or territory, the faster it will lose morale.

Starvation: If your economy completely collapses or is destroyed by war, your population may begin to starve. This also applies if your army is cut off from supplies. During starvation, population or troop levels drop, and happiness or morale drops as well. Revolt and rebellion can sprout from this.

Economic Trouble: If your nation takes a significant loss in economy, it will start losing population happiness and army morale at a steady rate.

Economic Prosperity: The higher your economy, the more bonuses you get to population happiness and production points.

Rebellion: If population happiness or army morale get too low, or your nation suffers too many riots, it may enter a state of rebellion. During a rebellion, some of your soldiers may begin fighting you, other nations can fund insurgencies, and territories may break off entirely. To end a rebellion, raise population happiness, defeat the rebels, and/or restore order using martial law, depending on what type of rebellion is under way.

Assassination: Players may attempt to assassinate other players’ characters. High-profile characters are harder to kill than lower ranking characters. Assassination attempts have a chance of being discovered, both upon success or failure. This means the target nation might find out who ordered the attempt.

Diplomacy: Diplomacy is conducted between conversations with two players. The players can choose the course of the diplomatic talks. This can be done through the diplomacy threads. Diplomats travel instantly. Please refrain from diverging information or forging alliances outside of the correct threads.

Trade: You may form trade agreements with other players and with NPCs. Trade agreements make your economy stronger, which can increase population happiness and/or army morale. The number of active trade routes directly increases economy.
Active Trade Routes = Economic Bonus
One Trade route = 1+ eco
Three Trade routes = 2+ (in addition to the amount of trade route eco points you already have)

Annexation: Annexation of other players’ lands is possible. The player can choose to give the annexed area to the other player, or dispute their annexation claims. This can lead to war, if either nation is irritable. This feature can also be used to trade/give territories. You may attempt to annex territory either from other players, or from NPCs during NPC diplomacy.

Vassalage: If a player faction is losing a war to another player nation, they can either offer vassalage, or accept a demand of vassalage given to them by the attackers. Vassalage leaves the player under the complete control of the nation they pledged themselves as vassals to. If you are under vassalage, you are obliged to do whatever the other nation wants you to do. Failure to do so, will result in an outbreak of war. You can declare independence at any point, however. Vassal factions have a significantly reduced capacity to produce military infrastructure and units unless their master nation tells them to do so. Vassal factions have a higher risk of rebellion than other nations.

NPC factions have motivations too. They may be aggressive and attack you when they sense weakness, or when ordered to do so by another player nation. NPC factions can form alliances with each other, and also with player nations.

Alliances: Player factions allied with each other have several advantages. They may trade/give technology, military units, economic aid, and military support. Players choose any type of they want terms of their alliances with players.
Alliances between players and NPCs can take three forms: full military, defensive military and economic. In a full military alliance, each side is expected to join together in all wars. In a defensive military alliance, each side is expected to join together in wars not started by the warring nation. In an economic alliance, both sides send lend economic aid in hard times, the player has the option of trading technology with the NPC, and they have a free trade agreement. (A guarantee is basically a military alliance)

Coalition: A coalition is when multiple countries wish to form an alliance together. Leagues are just like alliances but with more than two countries in them. (NATO in an example of a coalition restricted to military concerns.)

Diplomacy with NPC Factions: Players may conduct diplomacy with NPC Factions via PMs with the game master. During diplomacy, players may suggest courses of action for the NPC to take (such as war), forge alliances, negotiate trade agreements, demand vassalage from the NPC, or even offer/demand that the NPC integrate (give all territory) with the player factions. The more persuasive the player’s argument via PM, and the more powerful/trustworthy the player has proven their nation to be, the better their chances of succeeding in NPC diplomacy.

Additional New Rules:
Classified Projects: You may have a classified project or weapon. I HAVE TO KNOW what it actually does so you MUST tell me what it does. Gotta say something about it in your nation thread, even if it's just a misleading description. Remember, classified stuff and hidden uses doesn't mean secret armies. This rule basically simulates keeping inspectors away from your factories.

If something doesn’t seem to make sense, ask me about it. I’ll probably fix the problem or provide clarification.

If you think the game should have another concept/feature, or else maybe needs something changed, you can make a suggestion.
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